Nogizaka46 No Gaku Tabi! is a series that takes Nogizaka46 members and enrolls them as transfer students in a school for one day. This episode, however, centers around calligraphy. Instead of them spending a day as normal students, they will spend two separate days as calligraphy club members taking classes to practice calligraphy and preparing for an inter-school calligraphy performance competition. Six Nogizaka46 members are divided up into two groups of three. Each group will join the calligraphy club of either Honjou East High School or Honjou First High School and a calligraphy performance competition is held between the two schools.
-Veliem, Conjyak
If you’re in a donating mood, the About page has our bitcoin address.
Decryption Key: !BhTKZ3d9j0iHh0OQz3xcddVuwdpG3ybrL27pjTcw2iM
Streaming: BB
hello.. no matter what I try, it keeps saying decryption key is incorrect
The link has been fixed. The decryption key is the same and should work. Thanks.
thanks for the quick response~~ everything worked out good. thanks for all your hard work!!