Nogizaka46 No Gaku Tabi! is a series that takes Nogizaka46 members and enrolls them as transfer students in a school for one day. Since episode 5, they have switched formats to just have the members join a school’s club and participate in a competition. This episode centers around hula dancing. Four Nogizaka46 members will join Miya Fishing and Aquaculture High School’s hula club and participate in a hula tournament.
(We didn’t sub episode 6 and currently have no plans to sub it.)
-Veliem, Conjyak
If you’re in a donating mood, the About page has our bitcoin address.
Decryption Key: etrZABcE6u0rF01yNAdwiTxXYkyGISfeSKiFKIIGrx8
Streaming: BB
Awesome! Thank you! I seem to be missing episode 6 though. DId I miss some news on why that was skipped?
We didn’t sub episode 6 and currently don’t have plans to.
Hell yeah, I forgot abut that show ! thanks for your work Conjyak.