Nogizaka46 No Gaku Tabi! is a series that takes Nogizaka46 members and enrolls them as transfer students in a school for one day. For that one day, the Nogizaka46 members will attend classes, have lunch, and join in school activities with the students at the school. In episode 4, we have Takayama, Shinuchi, Watanabe, Yamashita, Yoda, and Ikuta visit the Tokyo Wildlife College, a school that specializes in animal training. The episode has the girls attend school and train animals. However, this time around, they will also put on a live show with animals at a certain amusement park. Watch to find out how their show went and which amusement park they perform at.
If you’re in a donating mood, the About page has my bitcoin address.
Key: !ZmVfYnneDgsSs5RrFiCJhjLklSzupgnrCQYWIxkcmUA
Streaming: BB
I think part 1’s down. Would you mind reuploading it?
Dailymotion took down the video, unfortunately. So the only streaming option is Bilibili.