Holding onto my precious treasure! Tani Marika

source ameblo: http://ameblo.jp/ske48official/entry-12273843266.html
2017-05-11 23:39:16

It’s Tani Marika.
Today I had a photoshoot!
I got to wear various costumes,
and I had lots of fun!!!
Look forward to it (^∇^) hehehe
I also had lots of fun with the other members ^_^ hehehe

Afterwards, because I had some free time,
I streamed on showroom for about 1.5 hours!
Although it was sudden, 10,000 people watched,
Tani was very glad (^∇^)!!
Once again, thank you very much.
Also, my throat hurts a little and
even though my voice was kinda? hoarse,
I am glad that you enjoyed the stream!
(basking in the afterglow)
Another thing that made me hap!
Comments on SNS and on showroom saying:

“For this year’s General Election, I wish Tani the best of luck .”
It made me happy to receive such comments.

I am very happy (^∇^) to receive
such supportive comments from everyone!
Thank you very much!!!!!!!!
This time! Regarding the General Election.
Let me say this once again…
“Tani is looking forward to ranking up!”
Yes. Rank up.
I want to rank up even though it is difficult.
This feeling of mine is strong(^∇^)

[My personal goal!]
Is to rank up!!
To be ranked in!!!!!
To stand on stage smiling from the bottom of my heart.

I definitely want to be smiling with everyone this year!
This feeling is very strong(^∇^)!
[My goals in SKE!]
Contribute to SKE!
With that said… More than anything else…
I, with a burning passion, want to be #1^∇^)!!!!
Sorry for saying this so late.
I want to push my way through (the General Election) this June!
With Tani fans!!!!
With everyone in SKE48, I want to cry happy tears.
Let’s shed happy tears!
Negaigoto no Mochigusare
Reception is open until May 12th at 1PM!!↓



Last chance!!!!
Please feel free to come and see me.
I’ll put a lot of energy into choosing my clothes~!!!!
Well! I hope my throat will heal(^∇^)!!!

tani 5 11
Thank you for reading!

Translated by: Veliem
Edited by: Conjyak