The fifth and final episode of this Ougon Densetsu series! Watch Michishige and Akiyama take things to the extreme in order to save every yen possible to beat the other. Who will come out on top?! Will Michishige have to get a “wolf” hair cut? Watch the conclusion to this series and see why Michishige cries!
A request: If you have an account on Vidme, please give me a follow, as having 50 followers will allow me to upload more there.
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For all episodes of Ougon Densetsu that we’ve subbed, check here or here.
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Key: !sXO8byQYmkGJqcUDeLvoI-8zmtEO3WkNc_qi4cOUQxg
Streaming: DM1, DM2; VK1, VK2; VM1, VM2 (links down)
Again, Thank you very much Conjyak and Veliem for completing the subs for this TV show. Your hard work is very much appreciated as this is my favorite show Sayu appeared. I already followed you on your Vidme account.
You’re welcome, and thank you!
Enjoyed the series, thanks a lot for this. Btw, what’s your next project?
this was so funny and made me so happy, i’m so glad you did this. what a great person you must be to do this unselfishly. thanks again