Nogizaka46 No Gaku Tabi! is a series that takes four Nogizaka46 members and enrolls them as transfer students in a school for one day. For that one day, the four Nogizaka46 members will attend classes, have lunch, and attend after school club activities with the regular students at the school. For the inaugural episode, Eto, Akimoto, Kitano, and Saito Asuka will attend a high school in Nakatsu City in Oita Prefecture (Eto is from Oita Prefrecture). Eto and Kitano are paired up and will be joining the 2nd year students while Akimoto and Asuka will be joining the 1st year students. Watch as these four attend high school like normal students!
Download: MG
Decryption Key: !uHsx-a8sS-uYh6t2xrOUUpTOL5QLCnq8B86oV6FAsG4
Streaming: DM, VK, VM (link down)
Thanks for this! I hope you decide to do the next episode as well.
Great job! 😀 I really enjoy your sub.
It was fun to watch Eto as the big sister whom is looking her small sister kiichan! :))
Plz sub the 2nd episode aswell!
thank you
Thank you for such a long sub!